May 23, 2023
Dear Students,
In the wake of the devastating earthquake disaster that plunged our country into grief, online education was offered at our University, as in all universities, with the decision of the Higher Education Council (YÖK). Online education and examination in the aforementioned semester were carried out in accordance with the Distance Education Principles of YÖK. In the process of announcing the developments in online education and examination to our students, it was announced from the beginning of the semester that the final exams are planned to be held face-to-face unless otherwise decided.
During the earthquake disaster, OSTİM Technical University continued education and delivered the support provided by the contributions of our students to the earthquake zone.
Following the normalization period, as authorized by the decision of YÖK, hybrid education was offered at our University on Monday, April 3, 2023, with the decision of the Senate of OSTİM Technical University dated March 31, 2023. As stated in the Senate decision announced in the annex of the general announcement on our website, the statement "It has been unanimously decided that the final exams will be held face-to-face in accordance with the academic calendar" has been clearly announced to our esteemed students on our website and social platforms as of March 31, 2023.
Since the beginning of the process, we have aimed to carry out face-to-face education with our esteemed students and emphasized that our University is open to our students and face-to-face education is encouraged. As a matter of fact, we were pleased to see that a certain number of our students attended the classes, which were hybrid courses given by our instructors both face-to-face and online.
In light of the decision of YÖK dated May 18, 2023, which is announced on their website, YÖK points to and authorizes the competent authorities of the Universities regarding the procedures and principles of the final exams. Regarding the practice of conducting final exams face-to-face, as it has been consistently emphasized from the beginning, there is no change in the OSTİM Technical University Senate Decision dated March 31, 2023, and announced on our website; therefore, in order to carry our students well equipped for the future, considering the dignity of being a university, final exams will be held "face-to-face" on the dates announced on the websites of the relevant academic units. To read the decision of the Senate of our University dated 31.03.2023 regarding the education processes, which is currently available in the announcement section of our website, please click
It will be of great help for our students to follow the specific announcements of their academic units, relevant websites, and social media platforms. We would like to inform our students who may face possible difficulties in this process that we are ready to provide relevant support to the extent appropriate, and we wish our students success in the final exam period to be held face-to-face.
OSTİM Technical University
in Duyuru