Akademik Personel Alım İlanı

22 Şubat 2021 yazan
Evaluating the current situation, the senate of our university has decided that during 2020-2021 Spring Semester education and training processes at our university should be implemented in accordance with the announcement of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) dated Feb 17 th , 2021 and numbered E.30984 “Educational and Training Processes during the new Coronavirus Pandemic” : All academic courses in associate, undergraduate and postgraduate programs will be carried out online (synchronous or asynchronous). At the Junior Technical College (MYÖ), the applied course “Workplace Experience” in the second-year curriculum will be done face-to-face in the workplace. The course “Workplace Applications” in the curriculum of the Engineering Faculty will be done face-to-face in the workplace on the condition that students make a written request. In the event that there is a negative change in the course and risk level of the pandemic, the boards of the faculties and junior technical college (MYÖ) may make a change in the application of the decisions numbered 2 and 3. Except for those of the Engineering Faculty, in all programs midterm and final exams will be conducted online. If there is no negative change in the course and risk level of the pandemic, midterms and finals in the Engineering Faculty will be conducted in diluted classes within the last four weeks of the Spring Semester with necessary precautions having been taken. Assignments, projects, presentations and similar evaluation methods can be utilized, which will be at the discretion of the lecturer. The students who want to freeze their registration due to the fear of pandemic or the problem of finding have the right to freeze their registration for the Spring Semester upon their written request.