February 22, 2023 by
In accordance with the Council of Higher Education letter dated 17.02.2023 and numbered E.12552, the education procedures of our University for the 2022-2023 Spring Semester, after the earthquake that occurred in Kahramanmaraş on February 6, 2023, which directly affected our ten provinces, are presented below. Courses will begin on 27 February 2023 (Preparatory School lessons will begin on 20.02.2023). Course registration will be held on 22-24 February. The students who want to freeze their registration for the spring semester must submit a petition to their academic units until March 10, 2023, and this period will not be counted within the learning period of the program. The unpaid spring semester tuition fees of students whose first-degree relatives are deceased or whose first-degree relatives' residences were destroyed or damaged in the provinces within the scope of the State of Emergency and the registration fees of these students who want to freeze their registration have been postponed until the fall semester. The examination of the students who could not attend the 2022-2023 Fall Semester exams held on or after February 6, 2023, will be held on a future date determined by our academic units. Announcements regarding the education procedures by the Faculties, Institutes, Vocational School, and Department of Foreign Languages of our University will be followed on the websites of the relevant units. Click for the YÖK Announcement dated 17.02.2023 regarding the 2022-2023 Spring Semester Education Procedures. Faculty of Engineering Announcement Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Announcement Faculty of Architecture and Design Announcement Vocational School Announcement Foreign Languages ​​Department Announcement Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Announcement Social Sciences Institute Announcement