Öğrencilerimize Duyuru

May 26, 2023 by
Dear Students, Our students who were adversely affected by the large-scale earthquake disaster that occurred on On 6 February 2023, and the grievances of our international students who are abroad for the same reason and have various issues in their countries, and their requests for online exams are delivered to our University in person or via e-mail and social media platforms. The administrators of our University also meet face-to-face with our students who come to our University in person to convey their demands and concerns as much as possible. On the other hand, many of our students who have completed their preparations also request that the exams be held face-to-face to maintain the quality of education. In addition, we will hold a meeting on Saturday, 27.05.2023, at 11:00 a.m. with our Rector, administrators, and our students who want to submit their different requests on this subject face-to-face for the first time or once again at our "Youth Office" located on the main campus. You are all invited to join us. We will be pleased if these students will also participate in our Tree Planting Festival organized by Ostim, Organized Industrial Zone(OSB), after the aforementioned meeting. This issue will be re-evaluated by the Senate of our University, and a statement will be made as soon as possible to ensure the continuation of our education and training quality and the demands of our students. OSTİM Technical University