Related Course

Ostim Technical University education emphasizes sustainability for all departments. Especially Faculty of Architecture and Design have specific courses and part of courses. Not only for single faculty but also other programs have related content. For example Computer Technology department emphasizes proper usage and recyling of electronic devices. Those contents were not listed here as they are considered that sustainability should be philosophy of technical people.

Course Code 

Course Name 

Department/ Program

Education Language 

Compulsory/ Elective 

Syllabus Link


Fiziksel Çevre Kontrolü I (Physical Environment Control I)

Interior Architecture and Environmental Design




Meaningful Education 

We consider our university as a third generation university. The main concept about third generation university can be seen as meaningful education. Our education emphasizes environment, sustainable development, self esteem and entrepreneurhsip. 

Course Code 

Course Name 

Department/ Program 

Education Language 

Compulsory/ Elective 




Introduction to University life 

All undergraduate departments 



UHG151 (TR) 

IUL151Introduction to University life 
All undergraduate departments
IUL151 (EN)

NGO Partners 

We have been cooperating with NGOs governmental organizations in order to cooperate in terms of sustainability. These contracts refer to cooperatin about students on site educations and practices for their developments as well as projects developments. Below NGOs are the ones that we had aggreements before 2022.

Türkiye Maarif Foundation

Communication Technologies Cluster

Yunus Emre Foundation

Rubber Technologies Cluster

OSIAD (Ostim Sanayici ve İşinsanları Derneği)

Medical Indistury Cluster

Governmental Partners 

We have contracts with many governmental organizations in order to cooperate in terms of sustainability. These contracts refer to cooperatin about students on site educations and practices for their developments as well as projects developments. Below governmental organizations are the ones that we had aggreements before 2022.

Etimesgut Municipality

TCDD (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devlet Demir Yolları)

Türkiye Enerji,Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu

Turkish Atomic Energy Authority

Lokman Hekim University

Cumhurbaşkanlığı Dijital Dönüşüm Ofisi