12 Eylül 2023- Turkish Language Profiency Test

8 Eylül 2023 yazan
Dear students, Exemption applications for TLI 101/TLI 102 courses will be processed according to the following instructions under the exemption policy. Exemption applications will cover both terms, and those who are approved will be exempt from both terms of the course. Any student who does not fill in the application form and whose name is not included in the lists cannot take the exam. Name lists will be announced on the home page of our website under the heading of Announcements the day before the exam. On the exam day, you must be in your assigned classroom by 15.30 at the latest. The exemption process for TLI 101/102 courses will take place in two stages: The first stage is the registration for the exemption exam. The second stage is for successful students to apply for exemption after receiving the exam results. STAGE 1- Registration for the Exemption Exam To apply for the exam, you need to click on the link provided in item number 1 below. The link contains the registration link for the exemption exam. Ensure that your school email address is active on the device you use to access the link. Read the explanation at the beginning of the form carefully. Make sure you enter the correct information. The exam will be held on Thursday, September 28, 2023. The exam time is 16:00. The exam will take place at OSTIM Technical University Main Building (not at the Preparatory School building). Exam registration link (LINK 1) https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=bKpFMJcAB0q2-_dlF2IcGWBvFwNLY8FJjD3N9FzyhbpUMlRHSUxPT0xDNkMzMFY5VTEwWTNPWVFVVS4u Exam registration will only be accepted through this link, and no other application methods will be considered. The deadline for registration is September 26, 2023, at 17:00. The exam room assignment for registered students will be announced on the website. All announcements regarding the exam location and time are carefully made, and it is your responsibility to follow the page. STAGE 2- Application for Exemption by Students Who Achieved Success in the Exam After the exam results are announced, if you have obtained a sufficient score to qualify for exemption, you must submit an exemption application through link number 2. Please make sure that your school email address is active on your device to access the links. Read the necessary explanations at the beginning of the exemption registration form carefully. If you have passed this course, you cannot be exempted. You are responsible for the accuracy of the information you enter on the form; make sure you fill in the information completely. Students who have taken the exam and achieved the required exemption score but fail to complete the form at link number 2 will not have their exemption procedures processed. Successful students from the exemption exam must upload a signed petition stating their intention to be exempt from the courses, with the heading 'To the Department of Common Courses,' to the form. Once exemption is granted, students cannot register for these courses again under any circumstances, and exemptions cannot be revoked. After the student submits the exemption application, once the exemption is approved, it will not be canceled or reversed for the courses. If an exemption application has been submitted and the courses have been selected during the registration period before the exemption approval status is announced, approved students must drop the course. The attachments you need to upload to the exam application form are as follows: Transcript Original exam score certificate Signed Petition attachment Exemption Application (LINK 2) https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=bKpFMJcAB0q2-_dlF2IcGWBvFwNLY8FJjD3N9FzyhbpUNTBNRks5WE1IUzhTUFZYRjhHMDA5Uk1LTS4u Please review the questions below for further information about the TLI 101-102 course exemption. What is the TLI course? It is the Turkish Language course that international students enrolled in programs whose medium of instruction is English must take in their second year. What is the content of the course? In this course, Turkish language education is provided at the A1 level in four basic skills. Do I have to take the exemption test? No. However, if you think your Turkish language skills are at a competent level, it will be in your best interest to take the exam. What is the content of the exemption exam? The exemption exam measures basic skills (Reading-Comprehension, Writing) at the A1 level. The exam contains content parallel to the CEFR A1.1-A1.2. What will happen if I take the exemption exam? If you get a passing score or higher, the equivalent of your exam score will appear on your transcript as a TLI course grade in the system. I am an international student, and I do not know any Turkish. Do I still need to take the TLI exemption test? No. I am an international student enrolled in a program whose language of instruction is Turkish. Is the TLI course and exemption compulsory for me? No. I am a Turkish student enrolled in an English program. Is the TLI course and exemption compulsory for me? No. I am a Vocational School student, is the TLF course and exemption compulsory for me? No.