​Information Management Department


Establishing the information systems strategies of OSTİM Technical University, carrying out and coordinating all works related to software and hardware infrastructure, keeping information security at the highest level;
In this direction, to ensure the supply, installation and operation of information systems;
To provide our staff and students with accurate and timely access to information anywhere and anytime with up-to-date technologies.

M​ore Information 

OSTİM Technical University Information Systems

Our basic information systems offered to the use of our university's academic and administrative staff and students consist of the following;
Electronic Document Management System
We ensure the goal of a completely paperless university with the software that ensures that all information and documents are created in a fully computerized environment during the performance of our university's activities, all work flows are carried out over electronic networks, and all approval processes are completed with electronic signature processes.
Student Information System

We provide fast and high-quality education support with our information system, where our students provide all their transactions with our university in electronic environment, access them through any platform and monitor current course, exam and homework information without time and place restrictions.

Library Information System
We provide our students with the opportunity to access information from anywhere at any time, with the library information system that provides online access to resources, national and international publications, to our library, which is the indispensable element of new generation universities.

Distance Education System
In addition to classroom training, we provide information in a way that not only our university students but also Lifelong Education Center trainees and all our citizens can access with our distance education system, which provides access to course contents, multimedia and visual materials, and on-line exams.

Please use https://support@ostimteknik.edu.tr/ for all your questions.