Directorate of Health, Culture and Sports 

Health, Culture and Sports Directorate, in accordance with the plans and programs to be made by the Council of Higher Education, to meet the social needs of students such as protection of physical and mental health, nutrition, work, rest and leisure time, and for this purpose, reading halls, inpatient health centers, student health centers within the budget possibilities. opening canteens and cafeterias; It is responsible for providing meeting, theater and movie theaters and taking the necessary measures for the students to make the most of them.


Our Directorate was established with the mission of protecting the mental and physical health of OSTİM Technical University students, supporting all their basic needs such as shelter and nutrition, enabling them to take an active role in social, sports and cultural areas and providing all kinds of services and support in these matters.


Aiming to raise innovative, entrepreneurial individuals who design, build, sustain within the framework of national and human values, with superior knowledge and equipment; taking responsibility for increasing the science and technology development competence of our country; The aim of OSTİM Technical University, which set out with the aim of raising individuals who work for the development of the country and the region by producing original projects and solutions, is to raise the support and services of the Directorate to the top in the same direction every year while advancing to this goal.

Health Services Coordinatorship

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Cultural and Social Affairs Coordinatorship

Our Cultural and Social Affairs Coordinator; Our university organizes cultural courses, events and conditioning programs in order to revitalize the campus life of its students and staff and to improve themselves in the cultural field. Our main goal is to provide the necessary healthy environment for cultural activities of interest and to gain artistic, cultural and social competencies during the time apart from academic activities. Three conference halls on our main campus are ready for use to advance these goals, and our new facilities are planned to increase gradually.

As the Cultural and Social Affairs Coordinator;

  1. To enable them to lead group work and club culture teamwork.
  2. To expand the studies in this field by cooperating with foreign and domestic organizations established for these purposes,
  3. To enable students to participate in competitions and social activities on behalf of the university.
  4. To ensure that all cultural and social facilities and materials of the universities are used from a single source, that the members work in a planned manner and that they are managed from a center.

​Our social-cultural activities are diversifying and developing with the student societies established within Ostim Technical University.

OSTIMTECH Student Societies will be waiting for you to join the branch you want in line with your skills and interests and to get detailed information.

Sports Coordinator

Academic Year


Kick box

2 Türkiye Champion
1 Türkiye Silver Medalist
Türkiye Bronze Medalist
2 Türkiye Team Championship
3 Türkiye Silver Medalist
2 Türkiye Bronze Medalist
1 Türkiye Champion
2 Türkiye Bronze Medalist


Our Sports Coordinatorship; Our university organizes sports courses, events and conditioning programs in order to revitalize the campus lives of our students and staff, increase their physical development and provide them with healthy living habits. Our main goal is to provide the necessary healthy environment for sports activities of interest outside of academic activities and to provide sports skills. Our Astroturf field, Volleyball court, Tennis court and Fitness center with fitness equipment in a 175 m2 closed area in our main campus are ready for use to progress towards these goals, and it is planned to increase our new facilities gradually.

Spor Hizmetleri olarak;

  1. Organizing group studies and matches, establishing sports associations,
  2. To expand the studies in this field by cooperating with foreign and domestic organizations established for these purposes,
  3. To enable students to participate in competitions and encounters on behalf of the university.
  4. To ensure that all sports, facilities and materials of the universities are used from a single source, that the staff work in a planned way and that they are managed from a center.

OSTİM Technical University Sports Club, which we established within Ostim Technical University in the 2020/2021 academic year, is gaining a growing structure with the participation of our students from all branches. Our sports teams include branches such as Kick-Boxing, Archery, Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Chess, Folk Dances, E-Sports... and we are taking firm steps to provide all kinds of opportunities to our students in many newly opened branches and are increasing their opportunities. is developing.

Tournaments are organized in various branches within the university every year, and participation is provided both on an individual and team basis in the competitions organized by the University Sports Federation.



OTÜ Burs, İndirim ve Sosyal Yardım Yönergesi

OTÜ Kayıp Buluntu Yönergesi

OTÜ Öğrenci Topluluklari Yönergesi


OSTİMTECH Spor Kulübü Tüzük



Forms - Petitions

  1. Petitions

SK-D-01-Topluluk-Kulüp Kurma Başvuru Dilekçesi

SK-D-02-Kulüp Güncelleme Dilekçesi

SK-D-03-Kulüp Danışmanlığı Kabul Dilekçesi

SK-D-04-Kulüp Başkanı Atama Dilekçesi

SK-D-05-Spor Tesisleri Günlük Kullanım Başvuru Dilekçesi

SK-D-06-Tesis-Salon-Alan Tahsis Dilekçesi

SK-D-07-Malzeme Talep Dilekçesi